Tuesday, June 9, 2009

My Husband's Hobby

I haven't posted yet about what Ross has been doing the last 3 months. He has taken up dog training and absolutely loves it! It all started with our first Pudel Pointer (not what you might think), Kato. We got him as a young puppy 2 years ago May. The breed is a pure-bred that was started in the late 1800's. They are a german breed taken from a French Poodle and an English Pointer. They are beautiful and are the best hunting and family dogs in our personal opinion! Ross took the time to train him and at the age of 16 months got him Utility tested and received a high score. The guy we got him from is the largest Pudel Pointer Breeder in the nation and has been for the last 30 years and he lives right in Boise. He has taken Ross under his wings and is mentoring him and treating him like a son. We are most grateful for his kindness and service to Ross

Ross with Kato at Bob's Swamp in Notus

Jerry's puppy Kreitn at 10 weeks old. He is a great Pup and we love everything about him!

Bob, seeing what Ross did with Kato, encouraged him to start training dogs and has been referring people all over the nation to him to train their dogs. Ross is naturally good at what he does and is grateful for this humble gift. I am so proud of him for pursuing something that he loves to do and has something to look forward to each day. I am thankful for friends and family for supporting him in his goals and dreams. I love him dearly and love to see him so happy out there training. We now have 3 dogs that he is training with one going home this weekend after he runs his first dog in the hunt test that he has been training the last couple of months. Then he has 3 more coming by the end of this month! I feel like we are truly being blessed by our Heavenly Father and I know that he is watching over us.


Anonymous said...

Oh how we enjoyed your journaling in this blog. Ross has had a natural love for dogs ever since he was a young child. He loved his first dog which was an Old English Shepherd and then for his 11th birthday he was excited for we were getting him a puppy. As the years have gone by we as parents have seen his natural love for the dogs grow and now he is able to use this gift. Thanks for the sharing in the blog.


Anonymous said...

You did GREAT!!!! U are the best poster I know!!!! Love you soo much!!!


Anonymous said...

Wow! (Jeremy said Wow Good job Ross Glad to see your hard work be Accomplished!) Isnt it a True Blessing when you Love what you do and things just fall into place!
Love your Posts! Keep up the Good Work!! ~Your Friends!