Friday, June 26, 2009

Technology... can't live without it, sometimes can't live with it!

Have you ever had one of those times when you thought to yourself... have they really come so far in technology? For all the advances they have made sometimes I think we are going backwards. I remember going over to someone's house when I needed something or to talk. Or how we used to actually take the time to talk to our neighbors. Or even pick the phone up to say hi. Now we text.. text and text. I am guilty of texting. It has its conveniences. Like when you call your hubby at work and he isn't supposed to answer the phone but he can read the text message. Or if someone is in a meeting. I think we will see some thumb problems later down the

Ross was waiting for me to get adjusted this afternoon and was bored so he decided to take the back off his cellphone and noticed a bunch of lint and dirt inside. So he did the logical thing and blew it out. Next thing that happened when he turned it on was the screen was all messed up and you couldn't see anything but fuzz all over it. I teased him and said that the dirt and lint was what was holding it together! So of course now he needs a new phone. Technology!

How about them DVD's huh?! I miss the VHS! You can play a dvd for a few times but if it gets scratched (now how would that happen?? oh if you have a 2 yr old who loves to get them out and then put them in the dvd player, or rub them across the hearth or the floor or better yet, lick the crazy things!) That could be how! We have all these gadgets to supposedly save us time and yet we have less time now than what we did 20 yrs ago... figure that one out!

I do appreciate technology, don't get me wrong. I would definately take driving to Boise over walking it all day long. I just think that sometimes we need to slow down and take the time for those things that are most important in our lives. Building relationships with our families and friends is worthy of our time. Especially with our Savior. I am grateful for all my many blessings and for the advances we have in technology. I wouldn't be able to walk or move if it weren't for the medical advances we have been blessed with. I for sure would have died in the first childbirth I experienced if it weren't for technology. I enjoy the fruits of it, I just want to keep things in their proper perspective.


Anonymous said...

you did GREAT mom!!! You are the best blogger i know!!

Love you soo much!


Amber said...

without this technology I wouldn't be able to share our blog and what is going on in our lives with those who care about our family. thank you to my dear sweet friends and family who still like to read about the stevens chronicles! Mom, it went well, I just need an SI belt for a couple or three weeks to support my low low back and tail bone he said it is weak right now. I am doing great considering, just as long as I don't do much right now. I am grateful for what I can do! Thank you for your love.

Amber said...

i should have said thank you to my dear sweet family and friends... sorry if it came across wrong.

Anonymous said...

Did you try to blew the cell phone out some more to get rid of ALL the lint? The longer I live the more I realize that in truth there must needs be oppostion in all things - everything in life - (technology included) has a plus and a minus. You certainly expressed it well.