Monday, April 13, 2009

A Simple Easter

Yesterday was a quiet and simple Easter for our family. We got up in the morning, prepared Easter breakfast then had scriptures and prayers before Church, then as I have done in the past I gave my children something that is a little more on the spiritual side for Easter. Then we had a beautiful Sacrament meeting at Church.

After we had pictures taken by some friends and due to the sunshine, shadows were cast on our faces... so they didn't turn out like we would have liked them to.

We then had a wonderful meal provided by my dear husband and I am so thankful for his kindness.

We finished our Easter Sunday by attending the Easter Cantata at the Stake Center. It was so beautiful and Spiritual. The Slideshow that went with it was so touching and helped to put into perspective what Our Savior did for us. I am so thankful to all who made it a beautiful experience that I never want to forget. I am thankful that my family is more interested in the true meaning of Easter and not the Easter bunny. What made it more special was when Brayden saw the slideshow and said"Jesus!" "that is Jesus, Mom". I am so grateful that he recognizes him.. it is important to me that he knows who Jesus is.

I am so grateful for the Birth, Atonement and Resurrection of our Savior Jesus Christ. But I know that I need to do better at living my life so that it reflects that gratitude. There are so many areas in my life that I need to work on that I know that I fall short in that probably don't show my Savior how thankful I am for what He has done for me. But I want Him and you to know that I do have a testimony of Jesus and Heavenly Father. I know He loves me inspite of all my weaknesses, failures, insecurities, and faults. I only pray that I can come to have the Christ-like love for others the way the Savior loves me and you. I love my family, the Scriptures that teach me how to become more like Christ, my dear friends that put up with my insecurities and challenges and the Spirit for testifying of Christ.


The Kelly Variety said...

Nice post. I love Easter time, and all the things that go with it. Some day I'll go to the Cantata and enjoy myself, until then I'll just expect others to enjoy it!

Matt & Corrine said...

You have pet ducks? I noticed the post before, but I never saw the sentence that said they were your pet ducks. I'm curious how Ross uses them in his training.

Anonymous said...

Oh that is special! Even More Special is that your Birthdays are around a Spiritual Season! I am Loooving your Blogs! I enjoy reading and am Excited to see what is to come! Haha! Its like waiting for the Stevens Newspaper! I Love it! You are doing an Amazing Job! Your Friend Shaha!