Sunday, April 26, 2009

A little Nervous

Today I get the blessing of speaking in sacrament meeting with my dear sweetheart. I call it a blessing for I know I need to overcome my insecurity of speaking in public. I just pray that the spirit will guide my heart and words. My husband will do a great job and I am grateful for him.


Anonymous said...

You did a wonderful job on the blog and your talk mom!!!!!!! Hope you had a good time at church!! (ofcourse you did!!) Love you soo much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Kelly Variety said...

You did a great job. Nothing to be nervous about! Now if we can just get rid of the skunks!

Anonymous said...

I Agree! You did Great! Both you and Ross! You left an impression in everyones heart and spirit! We Appreciate your Loving Words and Fun analogy with the Dirty lil skunks!!
So know that you were Great and Blessings are pouring in!! We Love your Family!!

The Thornocks