Monday, April 18, 2011

Happy Husband, Happy Life!

My dear sweet husband has always told people what makes him happy... happy wife happy life. I just think that that is the sweetest thing ever and also the greatest advice ever for any couple!! And he is right.. anything that makes me happy, makes him happy.

But I would like to change it... how about Happy Husband, Happy Life?! I know the same thing applies for us wives. IF I do things and say things that will make him happy, wouldn't I be taking my eyes off myself and then focusing on his needs? Instead of being worried about whether he makes me happy, or does such and such for me and my needs, I would be more concerned about his needs and then mine would automatically be met.

I am so blessed to be married to the most loving, self-less, giving, husband who loves me unconditionally and puts up with my craziness!!! I want to please him and treat him like a King every day. He truly is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me!!

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