Monday, March 15, 2010

When life gives you Lemons....

Without challenges in our lives we don't appreciate the blessings we enjoy.  Not saying that I am looking forward to more challenges, but when I know that the blessings are just on the other side of the obstacles, I can endure them with a lighter heart.

Alot of things have been going on that I have not really talked about.. simply because you get what you focus on and I want to focus on the good things in my life.. but I also realize that it is unrealistic to just write only about the positive experiences and that noone can really relate to you.  I hope however that this doesn't seem depressing for I will most surely talk about the blessings in correspondence with the obstacles.

Ross' work hasn't been outstanding for quite some time.  I am asked continually if he is going to find another job or why I am not working outside the home.  Frankly, it is none of their business why I am not working... but I do understand where they are coming from.  Ross would not be able to find a job out there.. even with a college degree that would pay what he makes at the Mill, especiallly with the hours he is working.  Even though he only works 3 days a week this Month, we are most grateful that he IS working!  Doesn't cover all the bills, food and etc.. however, my faith has increased as well as my testimony about Tithing and Fast Offerings.  We have what we need and some doors will be opening here very soon that we are most EXCITED about!!

Our dishwasher went capooey on us last November and we were able to get one from a Appliance Repair guy for only $90 for a 2 year old Whirlpool!  What a wonderful blessing we received in Feb! Next our Washer and dryer were going out on us as well and we found a set for a great price.  However, after not long of having it home, the dryer wouldn't dry right, so Robert came out and fixed it for only $20 and the Washing machine for $10.  Another blessing from Heavenly Father.  Now the Washer has a big hole in it and is leaking everywhere so He is bringing us a nice used one that he warranties all of his appliances and the washer is only $65!  I really am convinced that he doesn't think that I know how to do laundry because there are mountains of laundry in the laundry room!!

We need a new windshield in our van.. pretty pathetic looking, especially when complete strangers tell you it needs replaced.. yep I just say.  Of course that takes money.. however I have faith that something will come up!!

I found out that I am not able to have gluten and starches.. potatoes.. and so forth.  But since cutting it out I feel 100% better and my blood sugar has been alot more stable.  Just have to realize that I don't have to explain myself to others. 

Ross is getting a 8 dog trailer built for him for trading dog training.. worth about $13,000 dollars! Another huge blessing!  I keep telling him he needs to find a good Orthodontist who needs hunting dogs trained he he!!

Brayden got his front tooth knocked out almost 2 weeks ago at Ross' basketball game.. . so he is toothless on top.. at least his 2 front teeth are missing.. oh well.. he is sooo cute that way!!

Things are awesome and I am so grateful for our struggles.. they make us better people.  I know that there is always a positive to every negative and I look for those more and more in the negatives. 


Anonymous said...

Do you have your washer yet? Did you make it to the laundrymat? Thank you so much for the phone call and for sharing. It warmed up and Dad took me fishing this afernoon. Fishing was fun - catching was terrible - came back with only one perch. Keep smiling.


Anonymous said...

Your Family is Strong and you have wonderful Family and Friends and Mostly, Strong Faith! Good things come to Good People! Know you are Loved! And Yes our struggles makes us Stronger! Im Excited to see your Results!! hehe! Love you all!
Love Your Friends!