Wednesday, March 17, 2010

St. Patty's Day Fun

Last week Brayden and I went over to my sisters and we did some St. Patty's Day crafts.  Like anytime you are ready to do crafts.. you find out that you don't have everything you need, so you go to the store to get that missing item, then you get back and get started only to discover that you are yet missing another crucial ingredient to your masterpiece, so back to the store you go!  Third time's a charm! 

In this picture we took ordinary household items to make a Leprechaun Trap...

Here is the Leprechaun Trap.  It is not professionally done and I am sure that there are alot better ones out there, but we had so much fun making them!  There is supposed to be a ladder leaning against it and then a warning sign right next to it... we didnt get that far.  But the Leprechaun sees the gold nugget on top of the hat, sees the warning sign and they love to ignore warning signs! So they climb the ladder to get to the gold, only to find that the top of the Hat gives way (we cut a hole in the top and disguised it with the felt) and they are trapped inside.
Brayden and Katelin are painting their Pots of Gold.  They really had  a great time doing so.

Looks like the Leprechaun is trying to steal Brayden's Pot of Gold... well they are greedy!

This Morning I think that the Leprechaun tried to surprise us with Green Pancakes...
As you can see, Raelene was thrilled and surprised to find that the Leprechaun left a green pancake on her plate...
Brayden wasn't sold on the idea of green pancakes... he tried them very reluctantly.. only to find out that he really loved them!
Here you can see that the sneaky Leprechaun got away with the gold, and a bite of my pancake!! But he was so thoughtful in making them.. look how pretty my plate is!!
We wish you all the Luck of the Irish today!!


Anonymous said...

Happy St. Patricks day to you. The catcher is neat, the pancakes looked yummy and the family looks great.


Anonymous said...

Fun Fun! You have got Talent Girly! Looks Awesome! I bet the Kids Loved it!!
Love Your Friends!