Wow, in just over a year I have posted 200 times now... hmmm must have alot to say about not!
I have been thinking alot about Gratitude... seeing how I just got done reading a good portion of this month's Ensign and how it talked alot about Gratitude. It really got me thinking...
Those who have a grateful disposition have great things happen more often in their life. And I am not sure if it really happens more or you are just more aware of the blessings that you are given. But if the saying holds true, that you get what you focus on, then I could see how that would hold true.
I have come to realize that complaining does nothing other than, 1.. bring you down even more,
2. Bring those around you down to your level of thinking
3. Repels others
4. Makes matters worse and you feel worse
5. Brings more negative in your life
So.. that being said.. I want to have only positive words leave my mouth.
I am thankful for a loving husband who puts up with me on a daily basis with my "neediness", physical challenges, run a way mind, corkiness... who is always willing to help and easily sees a need and jumps right in to help. He provides for our physical needs and helps with our other needs. Loves me unconditionally and laughs at my not so funny jokes.
I am thankful for friends who love me inspite of me. Who put up with me being emotional, flaky, self centered, and just being weird at times. Who would drop anything at anytime to help in a heart beat. For being such sweet examples of the word Self-less and help me to be a better Mom.
I am thankful for family who loves me unconditionally and makes me feel a part of the family. For Parents who take the good with the not so good and see me for who I can be. For setting the example for us to be righteous parents and strive to be like them and our Savior. Who would give anything at anytime without reward or thoughts of themselves to help in anyway they can. For praying for their children and grandchildren for their temporal and spiritual welfare.
I am most thankful for My Savior and my Heavenly Father. Without them I wouldn't be here and be able to work at coming back Home again to live with them forever. I wouldn't have the opportunity to forsake my sins and repent and be better each moment. They love me unconditionally with a Perfect Love that only They can give. I wouldn't have the blessings that I enjoy without Them. I love Them more than words could ever express.
I am thankful for my challenges in life for they have shaped me into the person I am today and wish to become better each day with each new challenge.
This is my short gratitude list and hope to add to it each night on my own paper at home.
Good Things - January 2017
8 years ago
Excellent thoughts! Indeed it makes our days brighter when we count our blessings. I really like the way you embellish your blog like you would a scrapbook page.
In a conference session President Erying encouraged each of us to keep a gratitude or blessing journal. What a blessing or gift it would be in our personal lives and the lives of our posterity if we would faithfully keep this type of journal. We would grow so close to our Heavenly Father and His son Jesus Christ as we recognize all they do for us.
Wow! Good Words ad Thoughts! It brought some good tears to my eyes! You have an Excellent MOM who always has very nice loving words!! I enjoy reading her thoughts and kindness! What an Amazing Family you are! You are an Inspiration! Love it my Friend!
Love your Friends
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