Sunday, February 20, 2011

R.S. Lesson on Sacrifice...

When you think of Sacrifice, what comes to mind? For me it was my Savior. For others it was Abraham, Joseph Smith, the Pioneers and etc...

I believe that the Pioneers sacrificed more than we could possibly begin to imagine.

There were many quotes talked about today and I would like to share them.

"Sacrifice brings forth the blessings of Heaven."

"Blessings of our Lord are seldom early but are never late."

"The act of giving up something valued for the sake of something greater."

"The willing heart is really the only thing of ours to give." Nothing else really is ours to give up.. it all belongs to God.

"Our willingness to sacrifice shows our devotion to God."

"Do not be afraid of sacrifice."

"The blessing is always bigger than the sacrifice."

I just loved them all! It has got me thinking about things and what I need to give up that is holding me back from Spiritual progression. There have been things in the last month that I have chosen to give up in my diet because I want to be healthy and truly follow the Word of Wisdom better each day. And I have witnessed some miraculous blessing from this.

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Gina Hallam said...

Thank you so much for sharing these thoughts on the lesson today :) It's nice to read when I can't be there :( I have always loved the quote about how our hearts are the only thing of ours to give, everything else already belongs to our Heavenly Father :) Thank you for sharing :)

Unknown said...

You are most welcome Gina:) I am so sorry you couldn't be there again... sure missed ya! Hugs to you!

Unknown said...

That was me, Amber not Ross... sorry about that!

Anonymous said...

Did'nt you change the header again? I really like it. Each one is so neat. Thank you for sharing the thoughts. Have a great week.
