Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Back to school classes

Tonight was a fun-filled night at our R.S. Enrichment. The committee does an amazing job and I want to thank them for all their hard work that goes on behind the scenes!

We started off with a school lunch for dinner... hoagie sandwhiches which were very yummy!

Then we broke into classes to get some good, wholesome learning in. There was the Science class which Callie did a great job I was told, on haircutting tips.. then there was a Math class I think was taught on finances, Shop class by several of the brothers, one taught on plumbing, electricity and one on general things for the house, Seminary and Home-Ec--Bread making.

I taught the one on bread making with the wonderful and amazing help of a great friend! I couldn't have done it without her and seeing how I forgot a couple of the most important ingredients and she was so kind to go to my house twice to get them!! Since those who taught were unable to attend the other classes I heard that everyone did an awesome job!! Thanks to all those who shared their talents with everyone and gave great tips!! I wish I could have taken those classes! This was my first time teaching a class at an Enrichment and I think it went ok. I am grateful that I am doing as good as I am. I am thankful for the opportunity to serve. I am also thankful for everyone who participated and gave of their time and talents to bless our lives tonight.


Anonymous said...

I agree! It was a Great Turn out! You had an Amazing Class! Everyone enjoyed your Amazing Bread with the help of your friend!! The whole night was Great! Thank you for your sweet service and yummy bread & Yummy jam! I was hearing wonderful things from everyone! You Girls Rocked!!
Love your Friends!

Anonymous said...

I forgot to tell you in the last comment how impressed I was with the raspberries. What a clever idea and I bet they were real tasty. What an enrichment night. There is only one thing I don't like about nights like that and that is the fact that you can't get in on ALL the classes. I'm so glad you were able to teach the class. What a service! You always have found joy in serving. I'm going to miss your daily blogs! I'm sure you will find fulfillment in writing daily in your journal. You have mastered blogging and now I can see you putting in all that time & effort in your personal journal. enjoy the experience.
