Tuesday, October 12, 2010


It is so often quoted that you don't realize what you have until you don't have it anymore.  For example, when we didn't have a dishwasher for quite awhile, it made us really appreciate it when we got one put in.  Or if you have terrible health, you are very grateful for your health once it is restored.

I am not sure why it takes things to happen to wake us up and slap us in the face so to speak to realize just what wonderful blessings we have as Children Of God.  You would think that being a person who has had many close calls in life would recognize this early on and be one of the most thankful people on earth, but human nature says it is so easy to slip back into our habitual routines where we are most comfortably wrapped up in blankets of security and covered in mounds of ingratitude which leads to symptoms such as whining, complaining, murmuring, comparing and the most dangerous one of all which needs to be adressed right away is PRIDE.

None of which leads to the end result that we desire deep down and that our Heavenly Father desires for us and that is an attitude of gratitude.  When we first start to feel these unpleasant symptoms creeping up on us we need to have a good remedy on hand to combat those nasty bugs that we just talked about.  The cure for all of those things is gratitude to our Heavenly Father for blessing us with bountious, countless blessings.  It will knock out those symptoms and cure them right down to the core. 

I unfortunately have been caught with a couple of those bugs recently myself.  But I am trying my best to keep them at bay with prayers of gratitude.  I have been going thru some really unpleasant trials lately(course I don't know any that are truly pleasant), have had to have an MRI done today on my low back for something is going on there that is causing almost debilitating pain.  I am always good at being able to push thru the pain and move forward but this is different than normal.  I do have a high pain tolerance but even this is trying to get the best of my physically and even emotionally at times. It has been 7 years since I was this bad but I am trying to maintain a good attitude in the process.  Then on our way to get the MRI done yesterday, I had a pancreatic attack which I heard and read that the doctors say is one of the most painful things you could have in your abdominal area and I believe them.  After 6 hours in the ER they discovered I have pancreatitis which I didn't understand how life threatening it could be.  I am so thankful we went in.  Have an MRI on thursday morning for that.  Will now be on a low fat diet for the rest of my life so we can prevent it from happening again, one so it doesn't turn life threatening and two so I don't ever have to experience that intense pain again.

I have been doing a lot of thinking tonight and I feel that I have been awakened to life and don't want to take anything or anyone for granted.  I know that I can be a nuissance alot of the time and I have alot to work on but I do want you all to know how much you mean to me and how much I love you and wish for your greatest blessings in your life. And for your forgiveness.

I am thankful for my trials, blessings and love that Heavenly Father gives to me.  I am thankful for a family who loves me unconditionally and friends too.  I love everyone with all my heart.  Please know this.


Anonymous said...

Lots of Love to ya Amber! Things can only go up from here! Know you are loved and that we are here for you and your family!
Love ya guys
your friends!!

Anonymous said...

Love you