Monday, July 6, 2009

My li'l parrot

We have acquired a new pet a couple of weeks ago. We already have 1 inside cat, 2 inside dogs, a lizard, a gold fish, 6 dogs outside that Ross is training, pigeons, chukars and pheasants and now we have a parrot! OUr zoo is now complete...

Yep, he repeats everything you say no matter what you say! Has no clue what any of it means or even why he is saying it, just that he knows it is repeated from your mouth.

He is a very good looking parrot, absolutely cute.. and yes sometimes he does try to fly. His name is Brayden. What a coincindence.. we already have a Brayden. Oh wait, this is our Brayden we are talking about!

You think what you say is ok until this little guy repeats it back to you. Jerry was kind of talking back to his dad tonight and Ross told him to shut his mouth. Next thing we heard out of Brayden's mouth was "shut your mouth!" Over and over again he said those words... we couldn't help but chuckle... it was cute for a moment then we told him we shouldn't say that. Now I am sure that we are not the only parents that have this parrot challenge, we teach him horrible things... LOL! So I guess if we don't want things to be repeated we need to be careful of what we say. But when he does repeat good things it is incredibly cute to listen to him! Like when I say to Ross, "honey... and Brayden will say to daddy, honey! And sweetheart... so cute!

I love my parrot, love all of my children dearly. I am blessed to be their mother!


Anonymous said...

I love that Mom!! U R the best at posting!!! Love that!! Love you soo much!!!


Anonymous said...

You had me going for a minute... hehe!! But that is cute! We Love our children! Oh what cute parrots you have! 3 Beautiful Kids!
We Love your Family!
Your Friends!

Anonymous said...

This is a perfect time to teach Brayden the words to the primary songs, hymns and other fun songs -filling his little mind with 'good' things to always have to turn to when older and he is challenged with thoughts that need to be replaced.
