The summer is almost over and school is quickly coming upon us. We have enjoyed this break with swimming at pools, and at the river. I love the river by the island...it is fun, safe and free! Brayden asks if we can swim at the river, not the pool.. too cute!
I have stayed away from sugar as far as sweets go for 3 weeks now! I have lost 4 inches from my waist and 3 from my hips. I feel great and love my new healthy lifestyle. I try my best to exercise so I can strengthen my body and back.
I have been cooking wonderful meals out of our new cookbook and love some of them and of course I talk about what I am excited about so now I have others asking me how to eat clean!
My kids have had a great time and are still begging me to homeschool them... we will see.. not to sure for I love my me time... Raelene had a babysitting job this summer once and they loved her! Jerry got asked to take care of a neighbor's animals while they were gone and they insisted on paying him and he said he didn't want to be paid but they wouldn't let him do that. Brayden is talking up a storm and is incredibly smart and BUSY! He is a big help and loves to be independant! Not sure I am ready for this.. but ready or not he is for sure!
I have been struggling with things lately and have really been relying on my Saviour and the Atonement. I am grateful for my struggles for they are preparing me for greater things and helping me to overcome myself.
Ross is doing great with the dogs... constantly full kennels. We are so blessed for this opportunity he has to train dogs. I love him dearly and he is such a blessing in my life.
I pray every day for opportunities to serve and be better.
Good Things - January 2017
8 years ago
Happy Birthday to our son Ross! It is good to be home and enjoy your blog. You did a great job on the header and everything. Enjoy the last few days with the family before school starts. Truly time flies on wings of lightening.
Time does fly! We have enjoyed spending time with you and the kids! Such sweet kids! Good Job!
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