Saturday, December 3, 2011

If I only knew...learn from my mistake please, saves pain....

I had no idea that by simply digging in my ear with my finger what it would cause.  A few nights ago I was laying in bed and couldn't sleep, so I decided to try to clean my ears.... but I ended up going a bit too far, it hurt but I thought nothing of it.  Then thursday morning I woke up with my ear hurting, along with the side of my head and face.  Apparently I caused an infection in my ear and it spread to my brain affecting the nerves.
Then last night my eye started to hurt, along with my throat and I was losing my voice.  This morning I woke up with my voice completely gone, not even a peep, I thought my kids would be happy but they said they wish I had my voice back!  Went and saw a dr and it spread to my throat and caused inflamation around my heart.  I am doing as good as I can.  There is a lot I am doing for it and had a blessing so I know this will go away with time.  But I learned something of value... never use your fingernail to clean out your ear!!!  Its not worth it!

Things are good here, I have many projects to get done before Christmas!!  We haven't got a tree yet but next week sometime we will.  The rest of the house is decorated and I LOVE this time of year!!!  Hope all are well!!!

1 comment:

HShively said...

thanks for sharing and hope recovery is quick.