Sunday, December 13, 2009

Dear Santa,

Disclaimer: I want to make a disclaimer by saying that you might find out that I am actually imperfect, and have many faults after reading this letter.  But I hope that I will not be thought of any less because I have openly admitted them.

Dear Santa,
I am not the same little girl that used to write you a letter, wishing for a barbie doll with a pink car to match.  In fact, time has worked on me over the years of growing up.
I used to think that in order to have a wonderful Christmas, I needed to have my stocking filled to the brim with things that were purchased.  I used to feel that in order to feel loved, I needed everything on my list to come true.  In fact, in some ways this would fill a big hole that I didn't realize was there until lately. 

I hate to admit it, but I came from a family where you were given equal ammounts as gifts.  If one daughter had a certain ammount spent on them, then the other needed the same amount in the eyes of the parents.  This was not a good practice.  Even more disheartening was I carried this same thinking into my own family.  With the love and patience of a loving husband, I have overcome this philosophy.

I remember a certain year, after I had turned 9, that I wasn't sure there was going to be a Christmas that year.  You see, my parents had just recently separated(a couple of months before) and my Grandmother, of whom I was very close to, passed away in the early morning hours just after Christmas night.  But as I have come to understand over the years that I truly had a blessed Christmas because I had the love of my family more drawn near than I realized.
Something has changed in me.  Something that I had hoped for for many many years.  Instead of wishing for barbie dolls or cabbage patch dolls,

 I wish for peace in my home.  Where there once was a longing for that ever so popular thingamajig.. now there is longing for good health and good deeds to others. 

My Christmas list would now be consisted of : Forgiveness, Christ-like love for one another, Peace in my home and amongst my children, Serving Heavenly Father's children on a daily basis, Charity, Good Health, re kindling of old friendships, Not taking anything for granted, Happiness, Kindness, Giving of one's self.   Spending Time building memories with loved ones.  Enjoying the Moment. 

I have always loved to give.  But now I think I give with more purpose and intent. 
I ask that I continue to wish for these things and to do my part in making them come true.  May all my loved ones, friends and neighbors know just how special they are to me and how much I love them, not only thru this Christmas Season but through out each and every day.

Thank you Santa, for believing in me.  And I believe in you, which is the Spirit of Christmas.

Merry Christmas.



Anonymous said...

That was a great letter. I hope your wishes come true. I too hope for that. Thank you for the manger you gave us we love it.

The Murphy's

Anonymous said...

Dear MOM,

Thankyou for all you do!! I'll do my part to keep happiness, love, and peace in our home! You do a lot for us, and I am grateful for you and what you do, thankyou! You do such a great job on you blog and your posts! Also you do such a great job as a mother!!!! Thank you for you love and kindness!!!! Love you soo much!!


Anonymous said...

What inspiring thoughts. Thanks for sharing. We are enjoying the Christmas music CD you made for us. Thank you for all you do.


Parley and Anna said...

Thanks for sharing your inspiring words Amber! You are so thoughtful about things.
Merry Christmas and I hope you get your "wish list"!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your wonderful Sweet Thoughts! You have a Huge Heart and always are thinking of Others! I Love your Christmas List! Merry Christmas!
Love Your Friends!