I don't know where to begin! So much is going thru my mind right now. Today was so good as far as the messages that were delivered. I know that they were inspired from our loving Heavenly Father.
First, Bishop spoke about how Satan can grasp our hearts and how subtle he works. He talked about the usage of facebook and how Satan uses that as a tool to lead us to do other things. He spoke about how we shouldn't let that or anyother means of social networks come between what matters most to us, our family. I know that our Stake President said once in a Priesthood meeting that he very much dislikes FB for he has seen more marriages broken up because of it being used improperly. It does have its good points, like anything else we need to use it in moderation and for wise purposes. He said all Satan wants to do is to get us to merely look in a direction that we shouldn't be looking and then it just goes downhill from there. That is all he tried to get the Savior to do, just to simply look at the temptation and then he would have control. I pray that I can do better at the little things so that I am not tempted at the big things.
In S.S., the lesson was on how we can be useful and become better because of our trials and that the thing we need to learn is what I am supposed to learn about myself thru the challenges.
In R.S., was about how to show love at home, to our spouses, children and parents. It goes beyond teaching by example. There were so many good ideas that were brought up. One of the things that was said was that if Moms are too busy, we are raising lazy children... meaning if I am too busy cleaning all day, my kids don't learn to do anything. That one hit home!! I have a lot to work on there!! What are our family values? Am I consistent in my parenting? What am I teaching my children? Children need to feel appreciated, as do spouses. Am I good about showing my appreciation for what they do do right? OR am I constantly nagging them on what they don't do and don't do right? Definition of nagging: asking more than once. Oh boy, am I ever guilty of that one!! I need to invest in alot of duct tape or have the tip of my tongue broken in from bitting it! Do we have sincere prayers and seeking to learn from the Scriptures each day? Ummm...not like I know we should. What is it that I need to work on?
A typical day at our home goes something like this: Wake Jerry up at 6:30, oh, now 6:40...ok still too early so now it is 6:50 am. I hurry and go back to bed, he comes in at 7:07 for prayer and then leaves for school. Try to go back to sleep before getting Raelene up. In comes Brayden, turn on the t.v. get Raelene up in time for her to feed dogs, watch tv then read a couple of versus of Scriptures.. then prayer. She leaves, then have breakfast and back to the tv.. who doesn't want to watch Curious George?! I let him watch it all morning while I clean. Ok.. we get the picture. Have a lot to work on here! I need to spend more time teaching Truth and Light, investing in my children's future. Create more memories with them, lower voices in the home... Nope, not perfect by any means. But, I do know what I need to work on. I want to be better.
I love going to Church. I needed to hear everything that was spoken in Church today. I need to be more like Abraham and get up early and do what the Lord asks me to do when he asks me to do it. Not wait for the right time in my perspective. I love my family, but I need to show it better.
We are going to have a family meeting tonight about what we can do as a family to improve things around here and how to have more love for each other. How to be more of a Team. I want my heart so lost in my Savior that my husband needs to seek Him out in order to find my heart.
Good Things - January 2017
8 years ago