Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Small and simple things have great meaning in our lives

When I think about the blessings in my life, I have come to realize that it isn't always the big things that add value and worth to my life and every day well being. It isn't always the grand things that we should look for in order to feel that our Heavenly Father is blessing us.

For example, just the other day Jerry was to go on a 10mile bike ride with the scouts. Since he had just blown out the tire in his bike a day or two before... that left him with out a bike to ride. Ross's bike had a flat tire so he took it into the hardware store to get it fixed. He was told he was number 11 on the list that day and he was needing it the next day for Jerry to use. When I called the day of the ride, he still was 11 on that waiting list. And the repair guy wasn't going to get there until that afternoon. So I said a little prayer asking that somehow it might get done so that Jerry could pass this off for his Scouts. And you know what?? Heavenly Father answered my small request and Ross came home with his bike just 2 hours after I had called the store! Not a coincidence for sure!

Whenever I have needed to go to the store, lately I have been asking and thanking Heavenly Father for either a parking space close to the front or one that is close to the carts so that I can put Brayden in one. Almost every time since, I have found one or the other! Definately not a coincidence, but a great blessing from Heavenly Father!

Over the last couple of weeks a close friend of ours and Ross had taken out our old steps by the back doors and built me a new set. A very nice, new set of stairs! The old ones were quite unstable and we could get hurt by them at any time. It may seem small and simple to you, but to me it is a great blessing and shows the love that my husband has for me.

Ross got our swamp cooler hooked up today and made it to where there would be nothing showing around the sliding glass door by cutting wood to fit the spaces under and on top of the cooler. Now it won't get to be 100 degrees in my house this summer!! Small and simple, yet sweet blessings will be reaped from this service!

Or when your sweetheart cooks you your favorite meal and then dishes it up and serves it to you!

Or when your children come up to you and put their arms around you and squeeze you with all their might and tell you that they love you and that you are the best mom in the world ( and you know that you probably could do a lot better!)!

I have found that by thanking my Heavenly Father in advance for the blessings that I might need that day shows Him a grateful heart for those things instead of always asking for what I need. I read that in a book not long ago by Steven Covey. I am thankful for a loving Heavenly Father who doesn't think that anything is of too little importance to bless us with. I know that he answers our prayers through other people. He loves us so much and knows just exactly what we are needing. I once heard a statement that said"Coincidence is when God chooses to remain anonymous". I pray that I will always be in tune to the Spirit so that I might be a conduit which Heavenly Father can work through to bless His children and act upon those promptings. I am most grateful to all of you who have been close to the Spirit and allowed yourselves to be a blessing in mine and my families life! May you know how special you are! I love each of you and pray for you to be blessed beyond measure!


Zann =) said...

Hey Amber ~ don't you just LOVE those "tender mercies?" I know I am appreciating them more and more every day! Sounds like you've had a lot going on! Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed reading this =)! You did GREAT!!! Love you soo much you did wondreful!!

Anonymous said...

Your words reflect the love and goodness of your heart and mind.

Love, Mom