Tuesday, March 31, 2009

What happened to my little boy?

Jerry was only 6 days old here. He weighed 5 and a half pounds and was 3 1/2 weeks early. He was so tiny but it doesn't last long!

This is Jerry with his Great Grandma Ashby, Ross' Mom. She is holding a picture of her parents. This has meant so much to us! I believe she passed away the next year and I am so grateful Jerry had this opportunity.

This was taken at the Train Depot in Boise. I love the pictures that the two of them are together in.

Jerry loves to go fishing with his Grandpa! Rae isn't so keen on it though so this meant a lot to us!

Here is my "not so little" boy!
I want you to know that we wish you a very Happy Birthday! We are so grateful that you have chosen us to be your parents! You are such a great brother to your sister and younger brother. You love to make others laugh and love to give hugs! You have a sweet spirit that draws others to you. We love you so much and wish you a wonderful time on your special day!
I can't believe how small you started out and now look at you! In a year or two you will be past me! We love your fun personality and love for others. Don't change! Keep moving closer to your Savior and you'll never wonder about if what you are doing is the right thing. We love you!
Mom and Dad


Anonymous said...

How well we remember the night our little Jerry (grandpa's namesake) was born. Oh how we love you Jerry. You are a wonderful grandson. We're so glad your mother did this beautiful blog for you.

Matt & Corrine said...

Happy Birthday Jerry!! I thought about you al day yesterday - I feel so bad that I didn't get the call in. I thought of you most when I knew you were in school and then spaced it when you weren't. I'll have to remember to call this afternoon when you're home. I hope you had a great day. It's so exciting that you're 12. That's a very important age! You're such a good young man!